NatWest CareerSense

BRIEF – NatWest | Microsite

The NatWest CareerSense Microsite project aimed to overcome the challenges associated with inconsistent content delivery methods.
Its primary objective was to establish a centralised platform that would provide teachers with easy access to valuable resources and programs.

Working closely with the We Are Futures team, we followed an iterative design process to ensure a user-centred and visually engaging microsite. 
Our approach included:

  • Conducting user research to understand the needs and pain points 
of teachers.
  • Creating an easily navigable site that facilitated easy access to resources and programs.
  • Implementing a responsive layout for accessibility across devices.
  • Enhancing the user journey and streamlining the sign up process to the National School Partnership.

The successful launch of the microsite delivered a seamless user experience to teachers. They could conveniently access resources, book workshops, and download materials from one centralised platform.
By creating a visually engaging and user-friendly platform, we empowered teachers to support students’ career development effectively.